

Software development is a complicated and challenging task. Therefore we are making our best efforts to make it a nice experience for our clients. We hire the best professionals and put them into an agile process. We ensure there is outstanding communication in the team and high quality code is produced. From these ingredients we build outstanding customer experience.

We’re customer focused

Every client is different, so is every project. We adjust our work style to best fit your project's needs. Whatever is the key in your business is our goal as well. It might be time to market, quality, user experience, you name it!

People are your most valuable resource.



We use Scrum, Kanban and Extreme Programming elements as a base for our process, although we're aware that business requirements are most important. Therefore we eliminate everything that does not bring a value for the project.

Communication is the key.

Best practices

100% of our code is either written in pairs or reviewed. We use TDD/BDD, Continuos Integration and extensive user testing. Software quality is our and our clients' competitive advantage.

Continous improvement

We use our experience along with individual approach. We keep learning and improving your experience.


We don't believe in silver bullets. We use best technologies to achieve set targets and we are always eager to try out new state of art tools.

Ruby on Rails

In Web Development Ruby on Rails is the best choice to create advanced scalable web applications. Therefore we use it for most of our web projects.


iOS and Android are platforms that are the next big thing. iPhone, iPad, Android will be on our Phones, tablets, TV and who knows on what else. We know your products will need to be present there.

Quality is never an accident